Being enough, and 12 things!


I am now 24+2 weeks pregnant with our baby, and I've caught my first cough/cold of the season. I know I say I love Autumn and Winter, but man it sucks when you already can't get comfy and then your throat is attacked by foreign alien bugs.

Can you ever drink too much hot orange and honey in these circumstances? No. No you can't.

I just wanted to write a little wrap up of the recent weeks, and what they have meant for Sam and I. Unfortunately, I don't think they were as restful as Sam hoped considering I've been so lacking in energy these past few months. Week 22 was a turning point, 8pm is no longer a mandatory bedtime if I want to function the next day!

So here's 12 things that have happened recently that I want to remember!

1. I officially fit maternity work trousers now, although I still require a belt because the old belly changes shape during the day! Did anyone else expect it to just be perfectly round all the time?

2. All the furniture has arrived for the nursery, and by 'all' I mean the one chair we had to order because everything else has been bought/salvaged from other rooms in the house. It's so cute in there now, although the walls are still a little bare and I am looking forward to future months of fussing waiting for Baby Mixture to make their appearance.

3. I'm keen to start working on my changing bag for the baby, but I legit don't feel like I have anything to put in it?? Like, apart from nappies and wet wipes and a change of clothes, what else? There's so much space to fill! Will you want a toy in there, little baby?

4. I don't have any stretch marks yet, which I am truly grateful for. I've been pretty lax on the Biooil but I am desperately trying to remember to do it as part of an evening ritual because (and I know, I know its human, but..) I think they are the ugliest things. Especially considering I'm already contending with some pretty dang nasty scars.

5. I didn't get particularly tanned on holiday, nor do I have clear glowy skin from pregnancy. If anything, it's literally given me acne. Thanks baby!

6. We've gone into full get-shit-done-in-the-house mode. We've had glaziers out to measure for new windows in the baby's room and bathroom; we've had the carpet company round to measure the stairs and landing and that's getting fitted at the end of November; Sam's brother (future Uncle Martin) has plastered the head of the stairs after almost 3 years of bare board; and finally we have an odd jobs man coming round do things like fix the enormous holes in the back of the house and do electrical work. It's expensive at the time when we really require least expenses, but it has given us a reason to finally get shit sorted. 

7. My favourite thing to do at the moment is just potter about the house and go on slower dog walks. I was really social this last weekend, seeing a friend for dinner and going to the fireworks but now it's Sunday morning and I'm happy just 'being'. As someone who is constantly active, its a nice way to enjoy a slower pace.

8. Yesterday was the first day where I struggled to put my socks on, and got mildly stranded in the armchair.

9. Neither animal will leave me alone at the moment; both just seem to crave being beside/on/with me at all times. Not sure if it's because of the cooler weather or because of the bump, but it's very nice being Human #1 at the moment.

10. We are planning to go back to our wedding venue, Smeetham Hall Barn, at the end of the month to get a feel for what it might look like when we get married next November. So excited! Will you be a Flower Girl or a Page Boy, little one?

11. The planning of the baby shower is in full swing, my mother is taking the helm and I'm excited to get some of my favourite people in one location. Family are travelling some distances, so it'll be lovely to have them in the town we call home.

12. Finally, I really miss bloody goats cheese.

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