Week 2 - No Spend May

I'm not sure whether I should carry on with this series consider how epically we have failed this week. Let me break it down for you, without specific prices because I am just too damn disappointed in us!

H&M clothes order
IKEA PAX wardrobe
IKEA general shop
Prezzo dinner
Romford Dogs
Landscaping of patio
Carpet fitting

Can you see how expensive that all is?!

Unfortunately, this is all our own fault and there is no-one else for us to blame it on. Let's have a look at it in more details.

I was having a pretty rough week, work was tough and I was feeling pretty down about a lot of things. Cue online shopping, and trying to make myself feel better through clothing and feeling pretty. I ordered a lot of work clothes, as well as holiday clothes for both Sam and I. The order was pretty expensive, but when it arrived I ended up returning a bunch of items redeeming myself just a little. However....that soon turned into me arranging a shopping trip to Lakeside Shopping Mall to spend the money we had saved on the H&M order. I know, logic right? Mistake #1.

We went to IKEA to measure up for our wardrobe, to see what we could afford, what would work for us and how we wanted to fill the interior. I also wanted some veggie balls. 20 minutes later we have designed our gorgeous new wardrobe and bought it. Bought it! I remember looking up at Sam wondering whether we should be doing it, and shrugging my shoulders because we'd spend the money eventually anyway so what was the difference. Mistake #2.

We then proceeded to buy things we actually needed, like scrubbing brushes and a stool for our new 6 '5" foot high wardrobes (there is no way I'd reach the top without a stool!).

Again, the landscaping and the carpet fitting were already booked in, and so we couldn't have changed that, and the money was already set aside for them. However, spending that amount of money in one hit didn't feel brilliant.

Finally, we just needed some time with our friends. We had planned to do this whole month without buying any food out or going on expensive dates but the fact of the matter is, we're social animals and we were going a little stir crazy in the house. Neither of us spent more than £20 on our respective date nights (girls dinner and guys races), but it was still money we didn't really need to spend.

All in all, as I said before, I am disappointed in how this week has turned out money wise, but we've had a really good week in total. Onto the next one, pray for us!


  1. What an interesting read. Work clothes is such an annoying expense!

    // itsCarmen.com

  2. They are, but if you shop carefully you can find pieces that incorporate nicely into your usual wardrobe - like patterned trousers!


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